Common finding forever genius
Common finding forever genius

common finding forever genius

So the first thing to know is that there is nothing that is a fully original in creation.

common finding forever genius

For example if we love surfing the internet and being on a computer we will likely become a fast typist, and may land jobs such as programmer, writer, etc. We have greater exposure to things we love (we usually have other choices) and being exposed to them over and over can bring about definitions of our character. We are who we are because of the things we love. Goethe a German writer wrote: “We are shaped and fashioned by what we love”. It is also important to intertwine our passions with our work. It is important to not get frustrated making mistakes people have already made and getting burnt in terms of profits by making common easily avoidable mistakes. Similar to creating a work of art, starting an online business will involve using bits and pieces of technology and the methods others have used successfully. They collect pieces of art and take only small pieces from them to start something new.


“The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources”Īrtists are collectors of bits and pieces that they envision in their own creations. We have also been told by Albert Einstein: It even says so in the Bible in the book Ecclesiastes: Include it with an addition or try to duplicate it exactly. To be successful in achieving our business dreams as an entrepreneur there are some tidbits of advice we should become familiar with and learn to value:ġ. With age comes a greater ability to give advice – but only to a certain point. Meaning they give it according to things they have learned from and done themselves. Most of the advice people give is autobiographical.

Common finding forever genius